At present, India had approximately 743 million internet users. This number is expected to reach 974 million by 2025. This rapid growth can be attributed, partly, to the e-commerce market which has seen more and more customers shopping online for products and services. According to a report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Nielsen, the number of online shoppers in India is expected to reach 220 million by 2025. In addition to this, social media, OTT platforms, and digital payments have further fuelled the usage of the web-based solutions used by customers.

Web-based solutions have had a significant impact on the consumer experience, providing a more convenient and personalised way of interacting with businesses and accessing information. Here are some of the key ways in which web-based solutions have transformed the consumer experience:


Ease of interaction for the customer with businesses and access to information from anywhere and at any time. They can now shop online, schedule appointments, and manage their accounts without having to leave their homes or offices.


Web-based solutions allow businesses to personalize their interactions with consumers by using data for tailor made recommendations, offers, and content by understanding individual preferences and behaviors. This creates a more engaging and relevant experience for consumers, ultimately increasing their loyalty and satisfaction.

Speed and efficiency

These solutions also streamline other aspects of the consumer experience, such as online ordering, payment processing, and customer support. These effectively increase overall efficiently and reduce wait time, making it easier for consumers to get what they need quickly.


With new advancements in technology, there have been new avenues for people with disabilities and other accessibility needs to interact with businesses and access information. These include features such as text-to-speech and keyboard navigation for people with visual impairments or mobility limitations to use digital interfaces.

Feedback and engagement

They facilitate two-way communication between businesses and consumers, allowing for feedback, reviews, and social media engagement. This can increase trust and transparency, and enable businesses to improve their products and services based on consumer feedback.

Undoubtedly, web-based solutions have transformed the consumer experience by providing greater convenience, personalization, speed, accessibility, and feedback. In this fast-paced information economy, as more businesses continue to adopt and innovate with web-based solutions, the consumer experience is likely to become even more seamless and engaging, adding value to both businesses and consumers.

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